Vitamins From Apples That Make You Strong

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There’s an old saying that goes “An apple a day, keeps the doctors away!“. Well, it’s true! Studies show that kids who eat apples have more energy for playing games and activities. Why? Because apples are packed with vitamins that are good for both kids and adults.

Aside from it’s easy and inexpensive to buy, apples tastes delicious too. We encourage kids to have apples as a part of their packed lunch so they can stay healthy, smart, and full of energy! Here are the list of vitamins that you can find from apples:

1. Vitamin A for Clear Eyes & Strong Bones!

Vitamin A is an antioxidant. It is known for improving vision, it lowers blood cholesterol, strengthens bones and improves skin appearance. It also helps fight bacteria, parasites, and other viral infections. So if you want to have healthy eyes or bones for running and jumping games, an apple is for you!

2 Vitamin B for Growth!

Do you wanna be tall? Eat apples! It has Vitamins B1 to B6 and B9. They’re responsible for your appetite as a kid and helps you grow! They’re also good for digestion and cell reproduction! Want to be an athlete? Then an apple is for you!

3 Vitamin C for Immunity!

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. It is responsible for strengthening the immune system in our body. This helps us play longer as it helps you stray away from cardiovascular diseases and more! Do you want a healthy body? An apple is for you!

4 Vitamin E for Pollution & Sun Protection!

As a kid, we like playing outdoors, and extended hours under the sun can be bad for our skin. No worries, here comes Mighty Vitamin E! its responsible for protecting us from UV rays from the sun and pollution. Want more outdoor fun? Then an apple is for you!

5 Vitamin K for Healing! 

Sometimes when playing, kids get bruises and we tend to hurt our bodies from games. Is it all part of the fun? Yes, Vitamin K gets it! That’s why it’s his job to prevent excessive blood loss from the body. It keeps the bones sturdy, and also helps fight heart diseases! We don’t want to be hurt but when we do, we all want to be ready! That is why an apple is for you!

6 Fiber for Healthy Weight! 

When you eat an apple with the skin intact, you get fiber! This helps normalize your bowel movements, lowers blood sugar and aids us in achieving healthy weight. Some doctors and studies say that a high fiber diet helps make the heart healthy! Do you want your heart to be happy? Then an apple is for you!

Eat more apples to stay smart, strong and happy! Ask your parents to help make it a part of your lunch in school! Together, let’s take small steps to the future!

Easy Recipes to make apples more delicious!

More articles for apples! Happy and healthy eating, kids!

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